

It is define as an complex arthritis condition which can affect people at any age and any joint in the body. Most common site of arthritis is base of the big toe. Gout is represent as sudden pain and swelling at the joint and limit the movement.


Signs and symptoms of gout include:Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Overview It is defined as the pain syndrome which is occur in front of your knee around patella. It is also known as runner’s knee because it is common in athletes. Symptoms Pain is the major symptoms of patellofemoral pain syndrome; aggravating factor of pain includes: • Sit with bent knee • Squat • Walk up or down stairs Causes Following causes are associated with this syndrome: • Knee surgery • Injury • Overuse • Muscle weakness and imbalance Diagnosis After conducting physical examination your doctor might recommend the following test to check the extend of curving: • MRI to check the detailed image of knee. • X-rays to exclude other conditions • ultrasound Treatment Treatment options include: • Medications for pain like ibuprofen. • Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles. • Iontophoresis to inject the corticosteroids on the skin by using electric device. • Knee taping to reduce the knee pain. • Surgical procedure includes arthroscopy and realignment of knee angle.

  • Swelling and redness at affected joint
  • Movement limitation at joint
  • Acute joint pain
  • After an acute attack of pain secondary attack of pain which is longer than first.

This condition occurs due to the accumulation of rate crystal in your joint spaces and start the inflammation around the joint. Urate form from the uric acid.

Uric acid produce when body start to break down the cells and DNA which contain purines major component of uric acid. Moderate quantity of uric acid dissolve in the body and excrete in the urine but high turn over of cell may produce the large quantities of uric acid which start to accumulate as urate crystal around the joint and start the inflammatory reaction.


If left untreated then gout can causes the some serious complications, include:


Your doctor may recommend the following test to diagnosis the gout:

  • Blood test to rule the other cause of inflammmatation
  • Joint fluid examination to check the uric acid concentration
  • X-ray to check the extent of diseases

First line treatment of gout is medications which includes:

  • To reduce the pain and inflammation.
  • In low doses to prevent the repeated attack of gout
  • To reduce and control the inflammation
  • To inhibit the synthesis of uric acid.
  • To increase the removal of uric acid from the body.
Lifestyle and Home Remedies

Along with treatment healthy lifestyle may also improve your condition:

  • Exercise regularly to lose weight
  • Avoid food which contain purine like meat and seafood
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks.
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