Pet Allergy

Pet Allergy

This is the type of allergic reaction that is triggered by skin cells, saliva and urine of animals. This type of condition mostly occurs by dead flakes of skin or dander on animal skin. Cat and dogs most commonly cause this allergy but any furry animal have potential to do so.


Most common signs and symptoms of pet allergy are due to nasal passage inflammation:

  • Sneezing
  • Itching of nose
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Watery and itchy eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Pain and pressure on face
  • Post nasal drippling
  • Frequent awakening
  • Congestion of nose and throat
  • Frequent upward rubbing of nose in children.
  • Whistling sound on exhaling
  • Itchy skin
  • Hives and eczema.

Mainly pet allergy is caused due to the overactivity of body immune system.  pet fur or dander act as allergen to which body produces antibodies mainly immunoglobin E (IgE) which neutralizes the allergen and releases histamines, leukotrienes and other chemical substances that leads to the development of many signs and symptoms. Ongoing chronic exposure to these allergen lead to the development of asthma like symptoms.

  • Sinus infections occur due to blockage of sinus as a result of inflammation.
  • Asthma which sometimes present as emergency.

Pet allergy is diagnosed in the bases of clinical features. Mainly skin test for particular allergen is done to diagnose. Blood test is sometimes done if patient has some other disorder on the skin and skin test cant be performed.

  • Avoid coming in close contact with pet. If you have previous history of pet allergy try not to get a pet.
  • Antiallergic medications like antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants and leukotrienes modifiers.
  • Other therapies include immunotherapy and nasal irrigation.
Home Remedies
  • Maintain hygiene of your house.
  • Use high efficiency filters to vacuum your house.
  • Do saline nasal irrigation.
  • Taking Rosmarinus acid plant supplements to ease your allergy symptoms.
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