Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse

It is a condition in which there is abuse of medicine which prescribed by doctor but not in that manner. It can cause a serious health issue. Teens and Youngs adult are usually more affected by this abuse. In abuse mostly drugs are pain killers like opioids and morphine derivatives which also cause addiction problems.


Signs and symptoms depend upon the prescribed drugs some symptoms include:Prescription Drug Abuse SYMPTOMS CAUSES TREATMENT

  • Stimulants like methylphenidate cause hyperactivity and sleep problems
  • Opioids
  • Sedatives like alprazolam cause anxiety and sleep disorder
  • Mood swings
  • Depression

The exact cause is unknown but following factors involved in this condition:

  • To improve concentration
  • To improve alertness
  • To feel good
  • To maintain an addiction
  • To improve appetite

This condition can be diagnosed by your doctor in clinical setup after taking medical history and conducting physical examination. To rule out the other conditions your doctor might recommend the blood and urine test also.


Treatment options depend upon the severity of abuse and type of drug, following treatment options include:

  • Counselling with patient is extremely helpful in this condition
  • Withdrawal treatment if drug causes addiction
  • Antidepressant to cope up with depression
  • Stimulant to lift your mood
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